Our Services
Title IX Investigations
“Control over the Context”… “Jurisdiction Analysis”… “Appeal Decision Maker”… “Purpose Requirement”… as important as Title IX is to our K-12 schools, it can be incredibly complicated and cumbersome to navigate. The pitfalls are many. The liability can be significant. And the stakes are high, not only for the parties involved, but also for the district as a whole.
LTL’s certified Title IX Coordinators are prepared to be your neutral and impartial partners in addressing potential Title IX violations as they arise. We will complete the majority of this process for you, so that you can continue to tend to your other responsibilities. And we will provide you with guidance and assistance through the remaining portion of the process.
Bullying Investigations
With the passing of HB 140 in 2021, the stakes have never been higher for NH schools when it comes to potential violations of the state’s laws pertaining to bullying. In certain cases bullying may constitute a violation of civil rights and federal discrimination laws, jeopardizing funding.The Americans with Disabilities Act and Title IX can come into play as well.
That said, “bullying” is a word that students and parents, with good intentions, often use too liberally. LTL understands this. Our partners can help your team differentiate between those claims that meet the legal definition of bullying and those that don’t. And in either case, we can assist you with next steps or even take those next steps for you.
Personnel Investigations
When significant allegations of staff misconduct arise, where do you turn? A proper investigation, that will satisfy public perception and hold up to litigation, can take ten… twenty… thirty hours. What school administrator has that sort of time? Furthermore, an investigation threatens the bonds of trust that are essential to an administrator and their staff.
Allow LTL to serve as your district’s unbiased third party. With minimal support from district administrators, LTL Consulting will handle an investigation that is in keeping with state and federal regulations as well as your district’s policies. At the conclusion of the investigation you will be presented with a comprehensive and actionable report.
Student Investigations
You know your students, their parents, and the culture of your school better than anyone. Nine times out of ten, issues between students will arise, and you will be able to address those issues more efficiently and effectively than anyone else could. But every once in a while these issues will be larger and messier than is typical, or arise at the most inopportune times, or make it difficult for you to remain neutral and impartial…
This is when you call LTL Consulting. We will conduct the investigation for you and present you with the information you need to make, and back up, an informed decision.
When an impasse is reached between one educator and another… between the administration and the association… between a parent and the school… a neutral third party can be incredibly helpful. A mediator guides the discussion, helps to identify priorities and trade-offs, and assists the parties in reaching resolution. A skilled mediator shifts perspective, conjures realization, and commences the healing process. This is what you can expect when you partner with LTL Consulting.
We believe that the mediation process should be a creative and collaborative one. And although neither party is likely to emerge from this process with everything they hoped for, both parties should emerge stronger and better for having participated in the process.
Performance Improvement Plans
An underperforming educator is detrimental to the entire organization. Students learn less. Colleagues must do more. Parents become frustrated and disillusioned. And the fact of the matter is that the situation is neither comfortable nor gratifying for the educator in question. But helping an educator to truly improve their practice is an incredibly arduous and painstaking process. And most school administrators lack the time, if not the training, to do this work.
LTL Consulting can help! In concert with your district administrators, we will create a Professional Improvement Plan and facilitate its implementation from start to finish. All involved parties will learn and grow together throughout this process.