All of our trainings are:
Catered to the unique needs and schedule of your administrative team
Highly participatory and grounded in the principles of experiential learning
Inclusive of written and oral reflection, active experimentation, and the translation of abstract concept into ‘your-world’ practice
Staff Management Modules
The Dangers of Inaction
Plain and simple: an unaddressed issue becomes a bigger issue. In this module we explore the short and long-term effects of turning a blind eye to employee misconduct or inadequate performance. Administrators will come away from this experience with a better understanding of when and why we tend to look the other way. They will also acquire tools for overcoming this tendency.
Better Understanding Your Staff
Though you may be drawn to certain people, or find some easier to work with than others, as a school administrator you must be able to work with everyone in your building or district. Through a deep exploration of learning and behavioral styles, administrators will come away from this module with a better sense of how to communicate and connect with each of their individual staff members.
Positional Authority vs. Influence
Though there is a time and place for positional authority even in today’s workplace, it should be used minimally and as a final resort. In this module we will explore the risks and inefficiencies of positional authority. We will also explore the alternative. We will delve into the principles of Interactive Management including motivation, natural consequences, and the Socratic Approach.
Effective Communication
Listening is an art. And it is crucial for a school administrator to be adept in this area, because staff will struggle to listen to an administrator that doesn’t listen to them. In this module we will see how inquiry, paraphrasing, acknowledgment, and perspective-taking can help us be more effective listeners. We will also explore the role that nonverbal communication plays in our conversations.
Shifting Your Mindset & Approach to Accountability
It is possible to derail a difficult conversation even before it begins. The mindset with which you enter that conversation is paramount. In this module we explore the right way to approach and begin an accountability discussion. We will also discuss the common mistakes and pitfalls associated with these discussions.
Essential Concepts of Accountability
Your professor may not have covered it, but the UniServ Director and mediator are still going to hold YOU accountable for the material… In this module we will lay the groundwork for the accountability discussion: just cause, due process, and progressive discipline. Participants will learn about potential pitfalls and how to avoid these all-too-common (and all-too-costly) errors.
The Accountability Discussion
Few enjoy confrontation. Many avoid it whenever possible. But holding people accountable need not be uncomfortable or anxiety-inducing for either party. In this module we will walk through the accountability discussion from start to finish. Participants will come away with the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’, but, more importantly, they will leave with concrete strategies for making these conversations easier on all involved.
Performance Improvement Plans
When a staff person is not performing to standard, it is our responsibility to guide and support them as they strive to improve. Through this module participants will learn how to create and execute an effective improvement plan, with the assistance and buy-in of the staff person in question. Participants will also walk away with a template for creating these plans.